
How To Set Spark Plug Gap

There are few things that feel worse than trying to consummate a job only to notice out that you're missing a tool. If you already accept your motorcar torn autonomously, the last affair you lot desire to do is reassemble everything simply to go and become the tool that you lot demand.

In a fix and you don't know what to exercise? Need to gap your spark plugs, simply you don't have the tools to do it?

In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you lot need to know well-nigh spark plug gapping and how to correctly gap your spark plugs even without a gapping tool.

Why Do Spark Plugs Need to Exist Gapped?

Don't permit the uncomplicated appearance of a spark plug fool you, they are fine-tuned pieces of machinery that are critical to your engine. While there are many internal factors that brand a spark plug piece of work, one that you lot can see is the spark plug gap.

Besides much of a gap and the electrode can't spark — which ways your auto's fuel won't ignite and you won't become any combustion. All the same, too little of a gap, and at that place won't be enough space for the air around the electrode to ignite, and you withal won't have any combustion.

Today, about spark plugs today come pre-gapped and as long every bit yous purchase the right spark plug from a quality brand, you don't need to worry almost gapping it. But if y'all're purchasing lower-quality spark plugs or if y'all only want to double-check the gaping, that'due south where this process comes in.

Keep in mind that if you don't have the proper tools to gap a spark plug, information technology'south better to trust the pre-gapping instead of making crude adjustments and hoping for the best. Without the proper tools, it's more probable that yous'll mess up the gapping instead of fixing it.

Only if yous have reason to doubtable that the preset gapping is off –– then it might be worth trying to gear up it yourself fifty-fifty if you don't have a spark plug gapper.

Not only this but sometimes the tricks in this post can get you out of a demark. Getting dwelling is more of import than the perfect spark plug gap!

What Happens if Y'all Ignore Gapping?

Whether you have spark plugs with the wrong gapping, or a lower-quality set where the gapping isn't adjusted — yous're going to run into a bunch of issues.

Car running rich due to bad or poorly gapped spark plugs
If your motorcar is running particularly rich, you may accept incorrectly gapped spark plugs.

Some of the most mutual ones are:

  • Engine misfiring
  • Rough idling
  • Engine knocking
  • Poor engine functioning
  • Stalling
  • Difficulty starting your engine

If that isn't bad plenty, an incorrectly gapped spark plug could also reduce the long-term durability of your engine.

When you have a workshop full of tools at your disposal, there are two tools you'll utilise for gapping spark plugs:

  1. feeler gauges, and
  2. spark plug gapper.

Feeler gauges aid you measure the gap — and it'due south the most challenging tool to work effectually. Merely because the gap on your spark plug is very detail, and it tin be difficult to go the right gap without an authentic measurement.

The spark plug gapper is what you use to brand actual adjustments. Luckily, finding a replacement for this isn't as tough.

Spark plug feeler gauges are inexpensive — you lot tin can usually find them for less than yous'd spend on a 6-pack. Only if you're actually in a compression, there are a few different things you lot can use to endeavor to bail yourself out.

Using Household Items

Get-go, yous need to determine the correct gapping for your vehicle.

This gapping usually falls somewhere between 0.028" and 0.06". There are two common household objects you can use to gap your spark plug — but you're going to demand to go a picayune creative.

Pennies (coins)

Those two objects are a penny and a dime, and their measurements are as follows:

  • Penny: 0.06"
  • Dime: 0.053"

If you lot're looking for a spark plug gap with either of those two measurements, you don't need a feeler gauge. Simply if you're looking for a different gap, you should probably invest in a feeler estimate or a spark plug gapper.

Trying to guestimate the gap tin lead to engine impairment and be more of a headache than it's worth.

Powering Through

If you're feeling a piddling stubborn or just downright strapped for fourth dimension, you can get-go looking around your workshop to discover different tools to use. The trouble is you're going to have to look upwardly each object individually and measure the thickness.

That's considering non every flathead screwdriver has the same thickness — and that's the case with well-nigh objects in your garage. You lot'll need to find the exact model you take, and then track down the thickness dimensions and promise it matches upwards with what you're looking for.

In many cases, you lot're probably amend off sticking with the pre-adjusted spark plugs earlier trying to brand adjustments based on estimations.

Making the Adjustments

The proficient news is that the 2nd tool is easy to workaround. That'southward the tool that you lot use to make the actual adjustments. Aye — that's an actual tool, and no, y'all don't need information technology if you lot accept a feeler guess.

Using a minor apartment-tip screwdriver or a knife, you can gently tap the electrode to achieve the desired gap. Only be sure to avert the actual tip of the electrode, equally y'all can hands break it by prying on it.

If yous cavern and purchase a spark plug gapper, the next step is figuring out how to use information technology. The good news is that information technology'due south non just cheap to buy, simply too extremely easy to employ likewise.

Man gaps spark plug with a tool

Using the gapper is simple. All y'all need to do is slide the spark plug electrode opening into the gap opener and gently move it over to the smallest side of the gapper. Once it hits the 0.02" area, printing the electrode downwards until it's affluent on each cease of the gapper.

Next, you'll demand to slide the spark plug around the gapper until you striking the desired thickness. Rotate the spark plug back out and you're good to go — motility onto the side by side spark plug and repeat.

The best part about using an actual spark plug gapper is that yous don't accept to guess if the measurement is correct. We tin can't say the same for household objects like pennies and dimes because they aren't e'er the same thickness or uniform throughout.

It can pb to small discrepancies that can have big results on your engine performance.

Who knows, you might detect that a cheap gapper is worth having around just in case you demand to make whatever future adjustments or repairs.

Our Verdict

When it comes to routine engine maintenance, information technology's ever best to have the right tools. But if you're in a pinch and don't accept time to get the right tools, that doesn't mean yous have to throw in the towel.

With a bit of inventiveness and persistence, yous tin can get the job washed, even if you're missing a tool or ii. Hopefully, this guide helped you figure out the basics of spark plug gapping and how to gap spark plugs even without a gapper.

What tools do you lot utilize to gap your spark plugs when you're in a fix? Let us know in the comments beneath!


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